Friday, 4 October 2013

No Benefit for under 25. What cockwomble thought of this?

A genuine Cockwomble in London
There has been an abundance of cockwombles gracing our tv screens with the Daily Mail going on a RAGE with anything that is even slightly left of centre and with the Tories Conference in Manchester.

The Daily Mail imploding in self hate is rather humorous. Never has karma been so enjoyable to watch.  What isn't funny is the Tory's headline-grabbing policy of removing all benefits for those who are unemployed and under 25.

When I first saw this headline on facebook I genuinely thought it was from a satirical site like the Poke or Daily Mash but no, this was from the Telegraph.

Not Satire...Tory Logic

The PM’s keynote speech had to be a good one…

The Tories were still reeling from Ed Miliband’s speech at the Labour party where Ed ‘brought socialism back’ to British politics by pledging to:
  • Repeal the Bedroom Tax.
  • Embarking on a nationwide housing building program.
  • A two year energy price freeze.

The PM stood in front of the rabid blue rinse brigade and had the audacity to claim that young people in the UK should be forced to ‘earn or learn’ by barring them from applying for housing and unemployment benefit.

That’s right, the millionaire who, immediately after leaving Eton, started working with the Conservative Party had the gall to imply that our youths had it easy!!

This policy makes absolutely no sense whatsoever until you are reminded that under 25s are the group least likely to vote.  Like most of the Tories policies, this have no evidence, no costing; it is just a blatant ideologically driven attack on the welfare state. This is just another front in the Tory’s ‘Divide and exploit’ tactic which they have been deploying since 2010, picking off one section of our society at a time.  .

Removing housing and unemployment benefit away from under 25s is such a hare-brained idea that it could only come from a Tory with a silver spoon firmly stuck in his gob!

The PM actually said in his speech that young people ‘choose the dole’.  Firstly, this is a horrendous slur which generalises a helluva lot of people.  Secondly, in June of this year there were 900,000 under 25s who were no in Education, Work or training.  Yet are the same there were only 529,000 job vacancies in the whole of the UK!! Even a cockwomble such as the PM must realise that THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS!

The Daily Mail, the propaganda wing of the Tory Party, actually blamed young people’s ‘work ethic’ for the huge numbers of under 25s who are not in Education, work or training.
The propaganda wing of the Tory Party

We are in serious danger of having another ‘lost generation’ and removing benefits will make this worse.  A survey of those under 25 who were not in work, education or training showed:

40% felt that they were not part of society.
36% believed that they would never get a job.
33 Suffered depression.
37% never left their homes while on JSA.

The answer is relatively simple: We need to invest in our youths. We need to invest in jobs, invest I training and remove barriers from education.

So my message to the PM


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