When the Tories speak about the bedroom tax, they often claim that it is fair. I vehemently disagree with this. The Bedroom Tax, originally offically called the under-occupancy penalty, penalises tenants for a housing shortage that they have no control over. THAT is not fair, it is scapegoating.
The housing crisis is the responsibility of Governments not tenants. From the mid 70s onwards, Governments moved away from subsidising building affordable homes. Due to this, less new affordable homes were build and construction of homes within the private sector took priority. Thatcher's 'rent to buy' scheme took even more housing stock away from the social sector. For nearly three decades governments have ignored housing experts and instead implemented short-term housing policies which did not solve the core problem: The lack of affordable housing stock held by Registered Social Landlords(RSL).
The housing crisis is the responsibility of Governments not tenants. From the mid 70s onwards, Governments moved away from subsidising building affordable homes. Due to this, less new affordable homes were build and construction of homes within the private sector took priority. Thatcher's 'rent to buy' scheme took even more housing stock away from the social sector. For nearly three decades governments have ignored housing experts and instead implemented short-term housing policies which did not solve the core problem: The lack of affordable housing stock held by Registered Social Landlords(RSL).
The core reason why the housing benefit bill is continuously rising is due to the lack of social housing in the public sector and rising rents in the private sector. As there is a lack of social housing, tenant need to move to the private sector where rents are higher.
The solution to our housing shortage is not rocket science, it really is simple. Build more affordable and suitably sized homes. We should embark on a home-building project that compares to Atlee’s post war program to ensure that we have a flexible and modern housing system that is fit for purpose. And it makes economic sense also. For ever £1 invested in construction of new homes, £2.09 is generated within that local economy.
We need to regeneration schemes and estates so that homes are fit for purpose. Invest in our community so that it can flourish.
We should concentrate on Capital projects, new homes and infrastructure to build our way out of the economic mess we face. A by-product of this would be house prices falling as the supply of new homes rise.
We need to regeneration schemes and estates so that homes are fit for purpose. Invest in our community so that it can flourish.
We should concentrate on Capital projects, new homes and infrastructure to build our way out of the economic mess we face. A by-product of this would be house prices falling as the supply of new homes rise.
Social Housing is not just an asset in a balance sheet. It is people’s homes and it give security to some of the most vulnerable in our country. We should be proud of social housing and the safeguards that it gives vulnerable people and protect it from the Tories vicious assaults!
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